Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'll get you next time, Krustopher!

My sincerest apologies for the lack of posts in the last few days. I blame germ boy. You should too. He made me sick and now all I do is sleep. Before, I used to rant and sleep. What a bastard.
You can address all complaints, abuse, and of course pipe-bombs to Germ Boy, care of the hovel at the back of my house.


Anonymous said...

You caught the pox that has waylayed you not off me, but off our common enemy, THE SHANE! He plauged me, and now he has cast his vile evils upon you. The Krus is germ free ladies, no matter what the Center for Disease Control may be saying. Honestly.... I had nothing to do with your illness. Besides, it gets you off work so why complain?

The Rantolotl said...

Because I don't get paid?

Fandango Jones said...

Come on now, we both know the pay comes second to helping Jesus court that Pig ;)

Anonymous said...

Honestly, that was better than the orgasam I never had over Amanda Vanstone.

Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that getting paid is worth more than all the free time you get to play we love katamari? Bah i say, BAH!

Anonymous said...

And its not a hovel... its my castle. A shodily built, cold, falling down castle, but a castle none the less.